10000 Odds

Undated (AP) _ Safety precautions at Soviet nuclear power plants are so strict that ″the odds of a meltdown are one in 10,000 years,″ according to the minister of power and electrification in the Ukraine.

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Vitali Sklyarov made the comment recently in Soviet Life, an English- language magazine published by the Soviet Embassy and circulated in the United States under a reciprocal agreement between the two countries.

The February issue’s 10-page color spread on the nuclear power industry emphasized the safety of the country’s nuclear plants.

Noting that ″nuclear plants are being built close to big cities and resort areas,″ Soviet Life correspondent Maxim Rylsky asked Sklyarov: ″How safe are they?″

Sklyarov replied: ″The odds of a meltdown are one in 10,000 years. The plants have safe and reliable controls that are protected from any breakdown with three safety lines. The lines operate independently without duplicating one another. New equipment with higher reliability is being developed...

″The environment is also securely protected. Hermetically sealed buildings, closed cycles for technological processes with radioactive agents and systems for purification and harmless waste disposal preclude any discharge into the external environment.″

Sklyarov said several institutes and universities in the Ukraine train personnel for the republic’s nuclear power plants, but he did not mention how many people are employed by the plants.

″Young people come to us willingly,″ he said.

An article reprinted from the USSR Academy of Sciences’ magazine Priroda (Nature), claimed there has been no serious threat to personnel or nearby residents since the first Soviet nuclear power plant opened 30 years ago.

10000 Odds

It also said that ″not a single disruption in normal operation occurred that would have resulted in the contamination of the air, water or soil.″

A short feature titled ″Born of the Atom″ described life in the town of Pripyat, which grew up around the nine-year-old Chernobyl nuclear power plant, site of this week’s accident.

The article did not specify the population of Pripyat, but noted that it is ″made up mostly of young people″ with an average age of 26.

Soviet Life said Pripyat residents can see its nuclear power units from their apartment windows.

″The units resemble a ship with white superstructures on deck,″ it said. ″Radiating from the ship are the openwork pylons of power transmission lines.″

The magazine said Pyotr Bondarenko, a shift superintendent in the plant’s department of labor protection and safety review, considers working at Chernobyl safer than driving a car.

″Robots and computers have taken over a lot of operations,″ Bondarenko was quoted as saying. ″In order to hold a job here, you have to know industrial safety rules to perfection and pass an exam in them every year.″

Chernobyl’s reactor is housed in a concrete silo and has ″environmental protection systems,″ the magazine said.

″Even if the incredible should happen,″ it said, ″the automatic control and safety systems would shut down the reactor in a matter of seconds. The plant has emergency core cooling systems and many other technological safety designs and systems.″

The magazine said warm water of the plant’s cooling pond ″is the domain of a large-scale fishery that supplies fresh fish to stores in Pripyat all year round, while its banks have been taken over by anglers.″

Pripyat Mayor Vladimir Voloshko said the town’s streets ″abound in flowers. The blocks of apartments stand in pine groves. Each residential area has a school, a library, shops, sports facilities and playgrounds close by.″

Voloshko expressed no concerns about Chernobyl, instead describing traffic, day-care and a lack of job opportunities for women as Pripyat’s chief problems.

If the race to the White House wasn’t already fascinating, Kanye West made sure it was even more so by announcing his intention to run for president.

Odds for 2020 US Elections

US Elections odds received an injection of glitterati this week, following Kanye West announcing his intention to run for president via a rather ambiguous twitter post to his millions of followers. “I am running for president of the United States, “ said West in his tweet, that received over 100,000 comments, more than half a million retweets, and 1.2 million likes by Monday.

The upshot of this scintillating bombshell is varied. At face value, it seems the celebrity rap star joins a line-up of politicians that are shortlisted across sportsbooks to clinch the presidential race – albeit as a long-shot political pick, trading in quadruple to quintuple digits.

BetOnline Sportsbook and SportsBetting.ag both list West as a hallucinatory bet with odds tipped +10000. Bovada Sportsbook rolls out West at slightly understated +6000 odds in the race for president.

More broadly though – over and above the betting – West’s tweet simply adds another layer of drama and intrigue to what is already an extraordinary election year; one for the books. You can’t script this stuff, even if you tried.

BetOnline Sportsbook Odds to Win the Presidential Election

Kanye West Odds For President

Seeing as West’s presidential ambition was made informally through social media, it’s hard to take it seriously. Simply put, betting on West winning the White House is – to put it mildly – a pipedream. The betting of which made all the more premature by the simple fact that currently nothing has been officially filed with the Federal Elections Commission (FEC) — the relevant governing body for US Elections.

And yet: the rapper’s announcement appears to have resonated with many of his followers, including some key movers and shakers in America; most notably, West is curiously being endorsed by Tesla’s billionaire owner Elon Musk. True story. The electric-car maker tweeted his response immediately: “You have my full support!”.

Odds10000 odds meaning

Kanye West Throws Down the Gauntlet. Or Does He?

West’s tweet, which was posted on the 4th of July – American Independence day – was viewed by hundreds of thousands and retweeted by half a million Twitter users, and it continues to be a trending topic of conversation. However, it’s not the first time Kanye West talks up his White House ambitions.

He famously declared his intention to run for president at the MTV Awards on 30 August 2015. After which, West teased on numerous other occasions his penchant to become America’s commander-in-chief, including floating the idea of a potential run in 2024, after meeting with Trump following the ‘America first’ president’s win in 2016; and calling himself “future president” in a tweet two years later.

In April of this year, West announced his support of Trump in an interview with GQ’s Will Welch, implying he would be voting Trump in November. “No, I’m definitely voting this time,” West said. “And we know who I’m voting on,” said West. Adding forcefully that he was not going to be told by the people around him and “the people that have their agenda that my career is going to be over.”

A Vote for West is a Vote for Trump?

Social media storm aside, there’s reason to look critically at the pro-Trump rapper’s supposed presidential bid. Perhaps, as a calculated move: on a personal level and, even, to Trump’s benefit, as far as helping Trump’s re-election bid goes. Is it a coincidence the tweet comes merely a few days after West appeared on a couple of new tracks, and, at the same time, hinted a new album – titled God’s Country – would be dropping?

Where Trump is concerned though, the implications are much more significant. A Kanye West presidential run could prove pivotal. A stroke of luck the incumbent so desperately needs to disrupt Biden’s current momentum, spurred on by catalyzing Black Lives Matter protest from state to state that have caused seismic shifts in the country’s political landscape.

Trump is trailing significantly behind presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden in the presidential race, according to both polls and bookmakers. Biden has pulled ahead in the last month with a 14% national lead over Trump, based on the most recent set of polls, resulting in favorable odds across the board. Biden is priced as high as -175 to win the 2020 US Elections in November, a price available with Intertops. Meanwhile, Trump is drifting at odds of +120 to +150, depending on your choice of top-rated sportsbook.

If West runs, it would have to be as an Independent candidate, given Trump rides the Republican ticket and Joe Biden looks all but locked-in for the Democratic ticket. The deadline to add Independent candidates to the ballot is yet to pass with most states.


In 1992, Independent candidate Ross Perot, a Texan billionaire, effectively disrupted George H.W. Bush’s re-election bid by taking a whopping 18.8% of the popular vote. (Bush had 37.1% while Bill Clinton emerged with 42.9% of the popular vote). In 2000, Ralph Nader’s Green Party only managed to collect 3% of the popular vote but the 2,382, 955 actual votes were enough to effectively determine what was a closely fought race between George W. Bush and Al Gore (Bush Jr. beat Gore by 540,520 votes).

10000 Odds

Basically, Trump can do with all the help he can get for what is going to have to involve – by the present odds on offer – an upset victory to win a second term in office, not unlike the upset in 2016 when he defeated Hillary Clinton and ascended to power.

10000 Odds Prediction

West, along with his wife Kim Kardashian, together have millions of followers worldwide, and the power of their social influence and draw can’t be underestimated. It could potentially swing the US elections, one way or another.

10000 Odds Meaning

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